Support HGBA & Our Students
We offer several ways to support HGBA. Please prayerfully consider supporting HGBA today!
On this page you can find links & instructions for local & internet companies that will donate a portion of your purchase to HGBA. If we all consistently take advantage of these tools just imagine the money we could earn for our school!

Kroger Community Rewards
Make sure your Kroger Plus Card is registered. By clicking on the button below you can register your Plus Card or sign in if you already have registered. You then need to click on Community Rewards and enter HGBA's number - 86315 or name and any time you scan your Plus Card at check-out to save & get fuel points HGBA will earn, too!
Register Today

Publix Partner Card
If you shop with Publix please make sure you pick up one of our Publix Partner cards from the table in the office hallway and scan it each time you check-out so they can donate a percentage to HGBA from your purchase.
Register Today

Box Tops for Education
Don’t forget those Box Tops for Education! Along with clipping and saving them at home, you can also register to earn them when you shop
Register Today
Shop through the School Store
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